General information


The annual Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Conference and Members’ Meeting will be held for the first time in Lyon, from 28 to 31 Octobre 2015. The theme of this 15th conference is: « Connect, Animate, Innovate ». We hope that this event, international and interdisciplinary by nature, will attract about 200 scholars and technicians, coming from all the disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences and from across the academic disciplines. By welcoming this event to Lyon, the local academic community is delighted to celebrate its involvement in the field of Digital Humanities with colleagues from around the world.

Hosting institutions


The CIHAM – Histoire, archéologie, littératures des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux (UMR 5648, attached to the ISH) and HISoMA – Histoire et sources des mondes antiques (UMR 5189, attached to the MOM) are two research centres based in Lyon, counting respectively about 120 and 200 scholars. Deeply involved in Digital Humanities, they both have a special programme to develop this field. The Text Encoding Initiative is at the heart of their many projects dealing with the study, edition and transmission of various types of texts and documents.
Among their best know TEI / DH projects are:
L’Album interactif de paléographie médiévale, Baluze Digital,,
Distinguo, GEMMA,, Hyperdonat, Projet Cachette de Karnak,
Projet IGLouvre (ANR E-pigramme),, TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox…

Organisation Committee

  • Marjorie Burghart (EHESS/CNRS, CIHAM), co-chair of the Committee, elected member of the TEI Board (2015-2016)
  • Emmanuelle Morlock (CNRS, HiSoMA), co-chair of the Committee
  • Véronique Chankowski (Université Lyon 2, Head of HiSoMA)
  • Jean-Louis Gaulin (Université Lyon 2, Head of CIHAM)
  • Philippe Billoux (CNRS, HiSoMA)
  • Pierre Dimoyat (CNRS, CIHAM)
  • Caroline Develay (CNRS, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerrannée)
  • Karyn Mercier (CNRS, CIHAM)
  • Pascal Payrou (Université Lyon 2, HiSoMA)
  • Sophie Reysset (CNRS, CIHAM)

Scientific Programme Committee

  • Pip Willcox (chair) (University of Oxford), elected member of the TEI Board
  • Anne Baillot (Humboldt university, Berlin)
  • Peter Boot (Huygens Institute, The Hague)
  • Marjorie Burghart (EHESS, UMR 5648 CIHAM, Lyon)
  • James Cummings (University of Oxford )
  • Orietta da Rold (University of Cambridge )
  • Martin de la Iglesia (University of Göttingen)
  • Franz Fischer (University of Köln)
  • Stéfanie Gehrke (CNRS, Equipex Biblissima, Paris)
  • Susanne Haaf (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
  • Serge Heiden (ENS de Lyon)
  • Emmanuelle Morlock (CNRS, UMR 5189 HISoMA, Lyon)
  • Martin Mueller (Northwestern University, USA), elected member of the TEI Board
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki (University of Tokyo)
  • Suzanne Paul (University of Cambridge)
  • Judith Siefring (University of Oxford)
  • Adam Wyner (University of Aberdeen)